Saturday, June 13, 2009

The Macas on break until July

With Phoenix and DMan on a road trip for the next two weeks, our next session will be in July. We'll continue our climb of the "All Songs" Leaderboards.

In the meantime, keep an ear out for the "1 Maca and a Reject" duet in a town near you! ;)

Friday, June 12, 2009

The PS3 doesn't like Country music!

When the 1st country pack was announced for Rock Band, I was a bit ambivalent. Would it be good music to listen to? How would it play? Does it fit in Rock Band?

But I was happily surprised by how fun all the songs were, especially on guitar. The 2nd pack wasn't as good as the 1st one, but still, I find that having more genres in Rock Band is a good idea.

The PS3 seems to disagree... Raikan wanted to sing some country songs (he loves "How Do You Like Me Now?!") so we played an 8-song all-country set. Perhaps this country overload was too much for the PS3 to handle, so it crashed as we were finishing our 5th song! That's the first time this happened during one of our sessions, so was the PS3 trying to send us a message? ;)

When we got back into the game, the scores for the 5 songs had not been saved in our song list. Hopefully the scores were still uploaded to the Leaderboards between songs.

We played one 8-song set with our optimal line-up tonight and it paid off, as we got 7 Gold stars, and nearly an 8th for Prong's "The Banishment" (really fun song). The rest of the night there were instrument rotations for variety, with Sylvie and Seb subbing in at times.

In total we played 29 unranked songs and gained about 26M points, moving us up from rank 32 to 23 in the "All Songs" Leaderboards (we now have 438M points). At this rate we'll likely be in the top 10 within about 3 months.

- Stars breakdown for the 29 songs: Gold star (7), 5 stars (18), 4 stars (3), 3 stars (1)
- Bongoo is the "Top Performer" for the most songs (20), followed by Raikan (8), DMan and Sylvie (3 each), and Phoenix (1)
- Bongoo has the most FCs (9), followed by Raikan (3), and DMan (2)
- We get 666K on "Hillbilly Deluxe", the week of the release of the "Iron Maiden" 12-pack DLC

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Goal for tonight: move closer to the top 20

Tonight we will play another 32+ unranked songs, which should move us up about 10 ranks for "All Songs". We need about 30M points to go from rank 32 to 21. We can also try to beat our record for Gold stars for one session (13).

"Original 84" All-Console Rank: 34th
"All Songs" All-Console Rank: 32nd

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

3 Macas and a Reject Present: Down With The Sickness

Here it is, finally, after hours of editing, rendering, re-editing, re-rendering, re-re-editing, re-re-rendering (you get the idea...), I am happy to present to you our first Rock Band music video! This vid features Down With The Sickness by Disturbed and contains clips from our live performance at the AMPed competition at Ottawa U.

WARNING: The video does contain the original version of the song, which may not be suitable to some. I did my best to find a way to mute the lyrics and add our own, but unfortunately this always greatly reduced the audio quality.

Click on the Play icon below to play. The file is roughly 33MB, so give it a little time if you don't have highspeed. Also, click here to see a higher resolution version of the video.

Sorry it took so long to complete, I tried uploading the video to, only to find that it
was blocked "due to a copyright claim by WMG" (which is kind of confusing seeing as how there are plenty of videos on there with the Down With The Sickness... oh well) After trying out different formats, I came to the conclusion that flash was best, and uploaded the video to my own server. Hope you enjoy!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Seb helps us gain another 32M points

A big thanks to Seb who subbed in for injured and sick Raikan and Phoenix. It was his first time playing for an extended period during a normal session and he did really well.

We played 40 unranked songs and gained about 32M points, which would move us up 11 ranks in the "All Songs" Leaderboards.

Phoenix did feel better later on so we managed to finish the night with our optimal line-up (with Sylvie replacing Raikan). We were playing the lowest tiered unranked songs before that, so we decided to challenge ourselves by playing the highest tiered ones.

- Stars breakdown for the 40 songs: Gold star (13, a new record for one session), 5 stars (20), 4 stars (5), 3 stars (2)
- We all activate at the same time to help Phoenix during "My Last Words". Bad move... We decide on an Energy activation order, and it pays off during our second try and for "Good Mourning/Black Friday"
- DMan does great for two songs playing "Bass" and "Vocals" at the same time (not Voxtar, so Voxass? Voxbass?)
- Bongoo is the "Top Performer" for the most songs (23), followed by DMan (12), Sylvie (8), Phoenix (5), and Seb (2)
- Bongoo has the most FCs (14, a new record for one session, plus one while dodging the Roomba), followed by DMan (6), and Sylvie (1)
- We learn that DMan is great at imitating SpongeBob! :)

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Goal for tonight: move up 10 ranks

This week we will play another 32+ unranked songs, which should move us up about 10 ranks for "All Songs". We need 32M points to go from rank 42 to 31. We can also try to beat our record for Gold stars for one session (12).

"Original 84" All-Console Rank: 34th
"All Songs" All-Console Rank: 42nd