Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Goal for tomorrow: get a good lead at 2nd

This week we will definitely pass "Slagathor" to become 2nd. Compared to last week we'll have more than double the time (at least 4 hours) to do half the points (560K) so it should be possible to get a good lead.

Minimum: Gain 560K points, would put us in 2nd place ahead of "Slagathor"
Main: Gain 1M points
Optimal: Get 1.5M points, could even be more if we keep the same points\hour as last week
Bonus: Get at least 2 more #1 songs for the 58 originals (we already have 4)

Here is the setlist for tomorrow (worst songs by spread to #1, all songs that have more than 150K spread):
1. "Green Grass and High Tides"
2. "Outside"
3. "Are You Gonna Be My Girl"
4. "Highway Star"
5. "Won't Get Fooled Again"
6. "Sabotage"
7. "Flirtin' with Disaster"
8. "Cherub Rock"
9. "Vasoline"
10. "Can't Let Go"
11. "Epic"
12. "Timmy and the Lords of the Underworld"
13. "Suffragette City"
14. "Next to You"
15. "Day Late, Dollar Short"
16. "Nightmare"


DMan3021 said...

So, does this setlist imply that we have less than a 150k spread for both Mississippi Queen and Gimme Shelter?

Bongoo said...

That is correct! 135K and 117K, respectively.

We might still end up playing them though if we do well on the others.

DMan3021 said...

It wouldn't hurt to skip them for a week... :D

Bongoo said...

Heh, good idea. There are so many other songs, plus we did well on "Gimme Shelter" last week.