Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The importance of our virtual fans

In order to get a good score, sometimes we restarted a song when we badly messed up. This allowed us to save time and increase our ranking faster. Since we only play once a week this is an important part of our strategy.

No big deal... a few thousand fans here and there are gone. Whatever....

Actually it is a big deal :(. For example, after a heated session restarting Timmy 10 times, losing 10-15K fans each time, we wound up with only 150K Rock Band fans. This sudden decrease in virtual fans actually blocked us from venues and we started to worry a bit.

What happens if we drop too low? Can we even get fans back from playing stages we already played? If not would we have to start all over again?

Let's not take any chances :)

This is why I spent around 2 hours after our session of drumming with a mic hanging from the ceiling from a small hook (pretty crappy setup lol). I managed to solo a few venus for the Macas and crack our fans up to 500K as I swing my head to the metronome-like swing of the microphone.

This week, even though all the members cannot meet due to busy schedules, the Macas and the Reject that are available will work on getting our virtual fans up. Lets see if we manage to keep them this time! ;)


Bongoo said...

Good work Phoenix! That way we can lose them all again next week in the name of career progression... jk :)

I'm sure at some point we'll have enough fans that we'll be able to restart often without worrying.

Phoenix5096 said...


The fans were acutally gained somewhat quickly last night (~50K / 3 song set in the biggest venues). I'll read up on the mechanics before next week.

We may even be worrying for nothing :) (lets hope so!)