Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Fanmail #5 - You Sir, are a Twit!

From: Phil D.
Sent: Monday, March 30th, 2009
Subject: What's next?!

Though you didn't get first place, congratz on the competition guys! What's next, will you be in that amped thing dman suggested? It'd be cool if you could win $100,000!

You guys should post on your blog more often so we know what's going on.


Phil, dude, thanks for the email and the congratulations.

As for your comment about more frequent blog updates, you have to understand that it takes a lot of time and energy to create even a mildly entertaining blog post. I mean, you have to take the time to figure out a subject, write about it, proofread it (in my case, several times), and then delete it and start writting again because its just too cheesy (if you don't do this, you end up with posts like this).

Now, if only there was an easy way of posting blog entries without having to write whole paragraphs, like some kind of microblogging tool... We could keep all our fans up-to-date by only writing small short 140 character entries... It would be little bits of information, kind of like a bird's single tweet...

Wait a minute...!

Ah no, that won't work...

No wait, maybe...


But what if...!


DMAN is now a Twit! ... um, I mean a Twitter!

That's right, want to know what the Reject does with his time? Want up to the minute 3MaaR news? Then subscribe to http://twitter.com/dman3021 today!

You'll know everything the reject is doing, from entries like "Out walking the dog..." to "Watching a good ol' fashion X-Files..." and "Currently picking the belly button lint from between my toes..." There will also be some Rock Band related stuff, like session results and contest updates!

So don't delay, follow me today!

DMan... (aka the Reject)

PS -> I can not be held responsible of how entertaining my twitter entries will be. Heck, even I wouldn't read them given the choice!

PPS -> Thanks to everyone who sent in fanmail. We read every single one of them, so keep em coming!

Have Fanmail you want to send us? Then open up your email and write to: "rejected.fans@live.com"!

1 comment:

Bongoo said...

Heh, another great fanmail post, good job!

We'll be stalking you every day now... ;)