Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Goal for tonight: be top 100 for "All Songs"

This week we have our first normal session since the launch of Because the website has some "All Songs" Leaderboards, we will take the opportunity to play a lot of DLC.

"Original 84" All-Console Rank: 30th
"All Songs" All-Console Rank: 116th

We only need 6 million points to be in the top 100 for "All Songs", so that will be our minimum goal. We'll play any song that is unplayed or that has a low score.

My main goal for my scores at is to eventually play all songs on all instruments. I've started using a pseudo-random way to go through the songs with no scores in the song list and we can borrow that strategy tonight for variety:

1. Pick the "Make your own setlist - 8 songs" gig in Reykjavik
2. Song list appears sorted by difficulty
3. Select the first song with no score (or the first below a certain score if they are all played, ex: 500K)
4. Change the sorting category once, and then repeat steps 3 and 4 until 8 songs are selected

The sorting change makes for some nice variety, with the occasional set with the same artist multiple times in a row (By Name -> By Band -> Genre -> Decade, etc...).

As usual we will track the Top Performers and the # of FCs.

Rock on Macas! :)

1 comment:

Bongoo said...

DMan: I took the wrong guitar home last week, we can swap tonight.