Tuesday, September 9, 2008

To Play, or To Program

Its the phoenix reporting in.

During the past week, we have officially made the Score Reader application we have been using available to the public. This means I haven't practiced as much as I would want to (but don't worry... we'll still piledrive those lesbians tonight!)

I usually come home at night and now face a conflict...
- Do I play Rock Band?
- Do I keep working on the Score Reader?

If programming is what I now do at home half the time, I guess that means I am working in the right field as a programmer ;)

(Can anyone say NERD!)


Bongoo said...

For a while I was facing a similar dilemma, do I reply on the forums about the Score Reader or do I play RB? There are now about 6000 views in the forums so it made for a lot of replies.

Raikan said...

Hey, at least the three of you have the ability to play RB whenever you can.

DMan3021 said...
