Saturday, September 13, 2008

Top Rock Band Bands on Spike TV tonight!

Check out Spike TV (channel 32 on Rogers in Ottawa) at 11:30 PM Eastern Time tonight to see some of the best bands competing while playing Rock Band 2. The bands ranked #2 to #4 on Xbox 360 will be there as well as some of the best solo players. The show is called "Countdown to Rock Band 2".

The video links are here.


DMan3021 said...


They should plan a show for PlayStation 3 bands ranked #2 to #4...

Bongoo said...

That's true... but technically we're ranked about #22 in the world if you include Xbox 360 bands. Also, the #1 PS3 band would be #10 on the Xbox list.

But you're right, enough with system discrimination! Bring on the PS3 Leaders competition! :)